
Showing posts from January, 2019

Crown Yourself

Become your own queen (or king) Crown yourself, because no one will do it for you.  No one will bow at your feet, or worship the ground you walk on unless you, yourself place the crown upon your own head and kiss the ground you stand upon.  Whatever we feel within, Our self-importance or lack thereof, is how others will treat us.  We get in return, Exactly as we internally feel. So know that... You are noble! You are worthy! You are royalty! Believe that for yourself and anyone you encounter, Will believe that too. 

Thoughts Float By Like Clouds

A [sorta] quick word on meditation 💭 ☁️  PSA: I am a novice and do not consider myself an expert in this area at all. I am a student, I remain teachable. This is simply my experience.  Sometimes a seed is planted when you least expect it, and you can water that seed at any time, give it light and watch it grow. The seed for me was with meditation and it was about 3 years ago during a spiritual talk with a wonderful man & friend named Bill. We were eating at Bareback (my fave) in Pacific Beach, CA. I was talking about my struggles in life: always second guessing myself, need for perfection, intensely gripping fear, anxiety, failing relationships. I was telling him about the burden and weight I carry with me daily. For the life of me, I will never be able to recall the exact words he used, but he told me a story about his relationship with his wife and how they were both struggling, until one day his friend said to them (not quoting him word for word but this w...

Let's Get Glowin'!

Hey Babes! Lets talk beauty real quick... As I grow older, I crave a more simple beauty/makeup routine. I concentrate more now on my skincare than ever before! I wouldn't consider myself a beauty blogger, especially in comparison to some of the best makeup gals out there, but I do have some tricks up my sleeve. One of them is making sure I keep up with my glow in the winter. If I don't get a little help in this department I look sallow, lackluster, tired & sick...not cute! I have played with MANY self tanning creams, mousses and lotions..all of which were mainly for body use, and I could never find one that I love for my face. Either the body-friendly versions would give me blackheads, or would make my face much too brown. Given that our faces are naturally more exfoliated than the rest of our body, having a slightly lighter complexion on the face, is more natural looking. So for the winter, I have opted to use NuSkin tanning gel not just on my body, but my face too. A...

New Year, New Who?

I have gone back to my roots...this is the EXACT blog platform I first started back in 2012. CRAZY!! I guess its proof that I have been blogging (or trying) for a LONG before blogging was even really a thing HA! If you look far enough, you will see just how awful my outfits and photography skills were...eeeeshhhh. I have come a long way! My blog platform for the past 3-4 years was with another website, but it was hacked, so I have sadly lost all of my content from that timeframe. It makes me sad to have no way of regaining those posts and photos, but Im just going to let it go and embrace the nostalgia of this platform instead. It was fun to look back on where I began and get to revel in the growth and evolution of my style, photography skill & technology from 2012 to now. So, I guess this is me just saying hi and re-introducing myself on the first day of 2019. ::Hello, Im Alaxandra from The Wild Inspired:: This year, I would really like to spend more tim...