Let's Get Glowin'!

Hey Babes!

Lets talk beauty real quick...

As I grow older, I crave a more simple beauty/makeup routine. I concentrate more now on my skincare than ever before! I wouldn't consider myself a beauty blogger, especially in comparison to some of the best makeup gals out there, but I do have some tricks up my sleeve. One of them is making sure I keep up with my glow in the winter. If I don't get a little help in this department I look sallow, lackluster, tired & sick...not cute! I have played with MANY self tanning creams, mousses and lotions..all of which were mainly for body use, and I could never find one that I love for my face. Either the body-friendly versions would give me blackheads, or would make my face much too brown. Given that our faces are naturally more exfoliated than the rest of our body, having a slightly lighter complexion on the face, is more natural looking. So for the winter, I have opted to use NuSkin tanning gel not just on my body, but my face too. AND MAN, LET ME TELL YOU... AMAZING!

It gives me the perfect glow without being "too much". The best part you ask?? Well, probably the fact that I don't have to wear much makeup. For example, in the look below, I am only wearing tanning gel, under-eye concealer, tinted moisturizer, highlighter, liquid liner, mascara, a dab of eyeshadow & lipstick (the exact deets below)
That actually sounds like a lot when I type it out. I guess my point is...my look seems like a full face of complicated makeup, but it isn't. I also do not overuse these things or cake any of them on, its all about placement. I like for my skin to breathe as much as possible!

So, pros of using NuSkin tanning gel on my face/body:
1. NO clogged pores
2. NO gloves needed for application
3. NO streaks
4. Dries SO fast
5. I can sleep in it and not sweat it off
6. Gorgeous glow
7. V Natural Looking
8. Can be used under makeup
9. Gives an instant tanned glow for body & face
10. Perks up pale winter skin

I am now an ambassador of NuSkin products, so if you're interested to order this tanning gel, or want to hear more about our other amazing products, feel free to reach out anytime! And please visit my site of fave products: alaxandra.mynuskin.com

Ps-I should also mention that Im wearing NuSkin Lip Plump Balm under my lipstick!


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